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The ‘Good Homes’To Kwa Wan Road Community Housing Movement (The Project has ended.)

Transitional Housing Projects

The mission of the ‘Good Homes’To Kwa Wan Road Community Housing Movement is “Co-housing, Co-managing & Co-living”, which originates from the concept of sharing. Sharing refers to the social interaction among people and involves reallocating unused resources, skills and spaces for reuse. “Co-housing” means to share a living area with another family. “Co-managing” means that residents are required to coordinate and manage public space, including the living room, kitchen, and bathroom. “Co-living” means residents shall establish mutual help, trust, acceptance and patience and strive for a harmonious living environment. The project is now open for application. Please see details below:


1. Address: 68A-70C To Kwa Wan Road (4 buildings in total)


2. Target households

  • Those who queued for Public Rental Housing for not less than 3 years;
  • Those 2-3 persons family who lived in inadequate housing conditions with demonstrated need of transitional housing;
  • Those who meet the requirement of the income criteria and total net asset limits set by Hong Kong Housing Authority for the application of Public Rental Housing


3. Application method

Please submit the filled form and supporting documents to H.K.S.K.H. Kowloon City Family Support Networking Team by person or by post (Address: 1/F, Low Block, Chun Seen Mei Chuen, Fu Ning Street, Ma Tau Chung, Kowloon City, Kowloon)


4. Document Download


5. Enquiry

  • Tel: 2760 0115 (Ms Lau/ Mr Tse)
  • SMS/ WhatsApp/ WeChat: 6438 9170

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