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Child & Youth Services
香港聖公會東涌綜合服務 首爾青年演藝交流團分享匯演
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眾Runner及 Care Runner蓄勢待發,準備征戰4公里賽事
Elderly Services
香港聖公會福利協會彩齡學院 跑道場上 以運動凝聚情 Care X Runner 跑出健康人生 2016
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Elderly Services
A Study on the Mood Status of Residents in Long-term Care Facilities and Effective Intervention Strategies
A team of staff worked proactively to improve the quality of services by using quantifiable means to evaluate the effectiveness of services. They also incorporated technology-based solutions in their work, providing residents with care that yields a positive impact. For instance, the Welfare Council’s seven subvented elderly care homes launched a research project to study the mood patterns of senior citizens living in residential care homes and possible intervention protocols to tackle the situation. The study looked into the inter-RAI data of participating residents to establish intervention protocols to improve residents’ moods and standards of service. The report was published in August 2016. A seminar on the findings and the use of inter-RAI was organised on 11th August 2016. More than 130 representatives from 30 different organisations participated in the seminar.
Welfare Council News
為慶祝50周年會慶,福利協會早前徵集了來自幼兒、青少年、安老、復康及醫療服務單位的多個服務個案,並精選其中10個製作成感人故事短片系列─《愛上了,就留在愛裡…》。此系列記錄了10多位服務使用者、義工和福利協會同工的因緣邂逅,在生命路途上互相扶持的動人點滴。另外,聖公會澳門社會服務處亦製作了故事短片—《破繭》,講述專業社工如何陪伴一名年青人跨過逆境,使他的生命得到轉化,重拾自信與希望。我們希望透過短片展示同工的愛與關懷,並藉此喚起社會大眾對弱勢社群和有需要人士的尊重與接納,一同締造和諧共融的社區。   各短片將於2016年8月8日(星期一)開始,每隔兩星期,上載至福利協會網站、Facebook專頁「香港聖公會福利協會」及YouTube頻道「香港聖公會福利協會」。誠邀請各位支持收看,並與至親及好友一起分享!   短片上載日期: 上載日期 故事短片名稱 故事內容 8月8日 樂齡女童軍 長者的童軍夢想 8月22日 Cool Runners 不一樣的青少年生命培育項目 9月5日 裁縫的馬賽克 復康人士拼出生命色彩 9月19日 小晉熙的幼兒園 家校合作,讓孩子在愛裡成長 10月3日 「風」之盼望 中風患者與家人重塑親密關係 10月17日 琼姐與邦少 院舍以愛連繫院友與至親的心 10月31日 少年生命領航員 社工帶領青年人踏上正途 11月14日 恩慈這個家 我的院舍,我的家 11月28日 忘不了 夫婦共同面對認知障礙症 12月12日 義工肥寶 義工以生命影響生命 12月26日 破繭 社工與年青人在逆境中同行
Welfare Council News
Filming cum Sharing Session for a Micro-film Collection of Moving Stories, “Fall in Love, Stay in Love”
Ten moving stories inspired by the real-life accounts of the Welfare Council's child, youth, elderly, rehabilitative and medical service users were selected to make a series of micro films entitled “Fall in Love, Stay in Love”. Recurring themes in the series include aspirations of senior citizens, life education for young people and rehabilitated individuals rediscovering their gifts. In addition to documenting true-to-life stories the Council employees encountered in their line of work, the series also captures the wonderful connections between individuals.   A filming of the micro-film collection of moving stories, “Fall in Love. Stay in Love” was held on 1st August, 2016 at the auditorium of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, during which more than 200 employees, service users and their families who were involved in the production were among the first to view the series. Some of the key figures presented in the production were also invited to share their thoughts.
Child & Youth Services
「DSE職志輔導計劃」 文憑試考生需要調查發佈會 助家長陪伴子女渡過放榜日
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